a fresh feeling
Lecello is a hair care product that uses an in vivo activated complex peptide derived from a neural stem cell extract that was developed for the first time worldwide as part of a new technology business. We proudly introduce Lecello, which was developed using a substance extracted from neural stem cell-derived peptides that affect hair.
Lecello contains good ingredients, and presents you with New Bio Technology that has never been experienced before. After just four to six months, you will come face-to-face with the true efficacy of Lecello.
Lecello stands before you with truth and honesty, rather than eye-catching
Experience the Lecello120-day program.
We will impress you with the Lecello philosophy towards Hair Care.
High quality GMP class 10,000 clean room and Stem cell culture room in Lecello
Research project using peptides derived from MCT neural stem cell extract
Lecello (patent)
Amazing 120 days Program
If your hair loss is severe, try to have meaningful results
Lecello ! It's not magic
just biotechnology